
Operating Systems 2021-2 (OS212)

Main Links

  1. OS VLSM
    This link provides main information of the course. It contains many things from course slides, tutorials, tips and tricks, etc.

Week 00

  1. Introduction to Operation System
    I really recommend their YouTube channel ! Neso academy is such a life-saver during my PSD days and always provides you with top-notch explanation videos. Once again, they don’t disappoint me with their OS courses !

Week 01

  1. Regular Expressions
    I found this video very useful and easy to understand. It teaches you basic understanding of regular expression.

  2. Awk Commands
    I found this very straightforward and comprehensive. Very informative !

  3. Sed
    This link gives example on how to use the command which I found very useful !

Week 02

  1. Introduction to Cyber Security
    I love how this video is so informative and supported with nice graphics

  2. Some Motivation (not OS Related)
    Spare some time to appreciate yourself for making it through this week ! I hope this video could give you some motivation !

Week 03

  1. C-Language Cheat Sheet
    This cheat sheet is very useful for beginners, it covers materials from basic syntax, data types, iteration, etc

Week 05

  1. Page Replacement Algorithms
    Her channel is super helpful to understand page replacement algorithms. She explains in a simple way which I really like Week 06
  2. Multiple Processor Systems -Computerphile
    This video explains multiprocessor systems and discusses why a computer can have multiple cores

Week 07

  1. Process Synchronization
    This video explains about process synchronization, cooperating process, and shared memory systems

2.[Critical Section Problem] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtEORPakw5Y)
This video discusses and explains about critical section problem, entry, exit, and remainder sections, and mutual exclusion.

Week 08

1.[Introduction to CPU Scheduling] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWkQl0n0w5M&list=PLBlnK6fEyqRitWSE_AyyySWfhRgyA-rHk) This video discussed basics of CPU Scheduling in Operating System

Week 09 1.[LFS Forum] (https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-from-scratch-13/) This forum helped me in handling some of my errors that I encountered while doing my assignments

Week 10 1.[LFS Forum] (https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-from-scratch-13/) This forum helped me in handling some of my errors that I encountered while doing my assignments